Two Recent Articles
"Keeping Pace with OpenURL: a Perspective," by Carol H. Wu, appears in vol 47, no 1/2 of the Serials Librarian (2004). In it, Wu gives a brief overview of OpenURL and discusses in detail the implementation of Innovative Interfaces, Inc's OpenURL solution, WebBridge. She concludes that while OpenURL has been invaluable in improving the research process, their particular experience was hampered by lack of staff time and commitment. (They should have used Article Linker!!)"Assessment of Full-text Sources Used by Serials Management Systems, OpenURL Link Resolvers, and Imported E-Journal Marc Records," by Xiaotian Chen is a fairly scathing indictment of the data provided by vendors to these important serials resources. Still the biggest problem with OpenURL context-sensitive linking, the vendor data is often inaccurate, old, or just plain wrong. This article appears in vol 28, number 6 (2004) of Online Information Review.