Friday, February 10, 2006

CrossRef resolver

The CrossRef OpenURL resolver might come in handy soon, as we examine the CrossRef links that appear for our holdings.


Still wrapping my head around OpenURL ContextObject in SPAN; sounds like it might have real potential. This specification would allow authors to embed bibliographic citation metadata into HTML. From the site:

Open Access, public domain, and pay-per-use publishers typically do not have "subscribers" and have difficulty discovering a user's institutional affiliation which is needed to make an OpenURL. Embedded metadata can be used by client-side software to add links to non-subscription based content. This method of providing OpenURL links to users by combining embedded metadata with client side link activation has been called "latent OpenURL".

Very cool.

Wikipedia speaks

Of course, there's a Wikipedia entry for OpenURL. IMHO, it's a bit sparse.