OpenURL Bits
Thursday, April 20, 2006
SFX info from Georgia State U
Georgia State University Library Acquisitions Department maintains a page on their SFX service, which they call "Find It." It includes a FAQ, two Flash tutorials, instructions for creating and important MARC records [DOC] from SFX into their Voyager catalog, and use statistics [XLS].Paper on linking from Melvyl (CDL)
The California Digital Library published the results of focus groups [PDF] with UC public services librarians on linking to online resources from their shared catalog, Melvyl. Currently, libraries assign a Persistent Identifier to each resource, which resides in the MARC record's 856 field. The upshot is that librarians feel it's important to link to their SFX menu (UC eLinks) from the 856 instead of directly to the resource.See also the entire Evaluation and Assessment reports page for usability and other studies relative to the UC eLinks project.